Mwangaza United

In the vibrant yet challenging urban slum of Kedar, a group of young boys find hope and purpose under the guidance of Coach Baraka, a former professional soccer player who had his career cut short due to injury. Led by the talented Tito and supported by the humorous Boi, the team learns that soccer is more than just a game; it’s a pathway to change. As they train for the national tournament, they confront their fears, forge unbreakable friendships, and discover their true potential. Their journey culminates in a thrilling final match where they learn that victory is not just about winning, but about believing in themselves and each other.

Be part of the journey by pre-ordering our upcoming comic! You won't want to miss this story of hope, resilience, and teamwork. By filling out our pre-order form, you’ll secure your copy ahead of the official release and join us in bringing this inspiring tale to life. Reserve your copy today!

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Every individual has a God-given gift, calling and destiny attached to their lives. It is our mission to help every child, teenager and young adult discover this purpose andbecome prepared to live successfully in it.

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